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Re: Thoughts on Brickbay fees (Re: Brickbay problems........again)
Sun, 1 Jul 2001 23:00:21 GMT
567 times
In, Jan-Albert van Ree writes:
Ray Sanders wrote:

Having said this, implementing such a fee (such as the one described
would place an unequitable burden on the small sellers. Heres something
that I believe would be a might more fair:

1) Charge the seller 1-cent for each lot when added to BrickBay (batch
or manual)

That MIGHT work, although some people might stop listing small batches of
parts because it makes the profit margin even smaller.

2) On the last day of the month, for any lot which has been listed for
than 3 weeks...
2a) Charge the seller 1-cent for each lot present on the last day of the
(for lots with quantities less than 2000) *or*
2b) Charge the seller 1-cent for each lot present on the last day of the
(per whole multiple of 1000 units, when the quantity is at least 2,000

2a seems VERY unfair to certain sellers. If a seller had some very rare
parts, priced "fair" he might still not sell them within a month. Why fine
him for putting up rare parts, which might not be sold much? This would
lead people to only post certain parts (which sell very fast) on Brickbay
and perhaps mention in their shops that they have more parts on sale
elsewhere, so Dan might actually get less, since part of the deal is made
without Brickbay.

Every lot listed on Brickbay consumes resources. Those resources might be
bandwidth, disk space, etc. If someone has two 'Yellow 1 x 2 Brick's listed, the
odds are small that those would be desirable parts. They have an intrinsic value
that is small. Yet they take up the same amount of search resources, bandwidth
to display, etc, as someone who has 800 'Yellow 1 x 2 Brick's listed. My
suggestion is a minimalist proposal to fairly spread the costs to keep Brickbay
running reliably.

I do know at least that the minute this system goes in affect I will close
my store... this idea is like slapping somebody in the face for trying to
sell non-regular stuff.

Why is that ? When I looked at your store, you have 50 lots listed, while I have
1200 in my store. I would be impacted much more by this proposal than you would.
I see this proposal costing you an additional 50-cents to $1 per month. In my
store, the additional cost would be somewhere around $20 per month.

Besides : you'd need to have a special verification system, or otherwise I
could just delete all parts and re-upload them again every month, bypassing
your fee structure.

Not true, the method which I proposed would charge a minimal fee at the time
that the lot is added. Removing the lot at the end of the month, then adding it
again would only change the timing of the fee, not avoid it. This is only one
possible method of generating income for Brickbay (and not one that Dan has
blessed or commented on).

This would have several effects...  it would place the burden more
equitably on
the sellers with 1) large number of lots, 2) large quantities on
individual lots, 3) sellers who have listings, but little or no sales. I
do not think this type of charge should be assessed on the price that a
lot is offered at (something that I consider very eBay-esque). This would
also have the effect of encouraging a few sellers, who have somewhat
sloppy habits, to clean up their lots/inventory. I have observed more than
a few instances of one seller offering the exact same part in 5-10 lots
(small quantities) with varying prices. It would also have the effect of
getting sellers to flush out very small quantites (1s and 2s) of parts
which have a low resale price point. Small quantities of rare parts should
be unaffected.

Why do we NEED to flush out small quantities? Some people only need one or
two of a certain type of part. I for one only have a few parts in my store,
all small quantities. I have no problem with it, and I don't think anybody
else does. If you want more, don't buy from me but look for a seller which
has large numbers of what you need.

Perhaps 'flush out' was a poor choice of words. We do not have to flush out
small quantities of parts, but please see my comments above about intrinsic
value vs resources consumed. It would be a good idea is to expect a seller to
keep all quantities of a particular part (same color and condition) listed as
one lot rather than multiple small lots. Call it store cleanliness. Almost like
walking into a retailer and finding multiple copies of an item scattered all
over the place rather then neatly organized. (This has happened to me many
times, like trying to find all the Gungan Patrols in a K-mart this past spring)

<Brickbay://Cosmic Toys/>

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Thoughts on Brickbay fees (Re: Brickbay problems........again)
(...) I've commented on this before, but want to bring it up in the context of the point raised above. Suppose you have 800 yellow 1x2 bricks listed, and a buyer buys all but a few, lets say 798, (this stuff does happen, and often) then you only (...) (24 years ago, 2-Jul-01, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Thoughts on Brickbay fees (Re: Brickbay problems........again)
(...) That MIGHT work, although some people might stop listing small batches of parts because it makes the profit margin even smaller. (...) 2a seems VERY unfair to certain sellers. If a seller had some very rare parts, priced "fair" he might still (...) (24 years ago, 1-Jul-01, to

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