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Re: eToys closing down
Thu, 4 Jan 2001 23:27:38 GMT
726 times
Scott A wrote:

"Scott A" <> wrote in message

In, Lawrence Wilkes writes:

Dont know if this is new since all the posts about etoys 50% sale,
but I see their home page quite clearly says 'CLOSING DOWN SALE'

It says they are selling stock items until 19th Jan.

Hope they have enough money to stay open that long!

I just gave them a substantial payment... my 3rd in 2 days.

The charge just made a show on my VISA card. I hope this means they will
mail the stuff to me soon... but I'm sure they are busy right now. I'd be
interested to hear when anyone gets an order delivered... just to reassure

Scott A

Well it's not been delivered but I do have a card from
Business Express that was put through my door. Looks like they
tried to deliver. Re-delivery is promised for tomorrow (Friday)
so I'll report back.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: eToys closing down
"Scott A" <> wrote in message (...) The charge just made a show on my VISA card. I hope this means they will mail the stuff to me soon... but I'm sure they are busy right now. I'd be interested to (...) (24 years ago, 4-Jan-01, to

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