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Re: eToys closing down
Thu, 4 Jan 2001 22:05:05 GMT
862 times
In, Mark Morgan writes:
In, Huw Millington writes:

"Scott A" <> wrote in message
In, Ronan Webb writes:
Someone nabbed the last grey baseplate while I loading up ...
I panicked and headed for the checkout, luckily my basket
was still intact.

Once the items are in your shopping basket, they are reserved for you - • just
like real life.

Last night, after the closing down announcement, that was certainly not the
case. I had a load of the 633 roof slopes packs in my basket, but when I
went to checkout they had gone.


I'll second that Huw.  Two MTT trade federations and two Slave 1s disappeared
when I was dilly-dallying over my stash on Day One.  Have not yet received my
orders, though.

The guy on the help-line must have been trying to placate me in that case. I
waited 2 hours for the site to be updated as a few of the items I wanted
were not entering my basket at half-price. As he promised, I did not loose
out… I must have been lucky.

BTW did anyone get a 6091 King Leo's Castle as a friend's 8 yr old wants one.
I gave him the 6280 I found for a christmas pressie - the first thing the kid
said was "Where did this come from? It hasn't been made for years!"

I'm still eager to hear if anyone got the RIS 1.5 kit.

I have two spare RIS 1.0's & one upgrade pack... all are new. I hope to
trade them for 2.0's at easter time.

Scott A

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: eToys closing down
(...) I'll second that Huw. Two MTT trade federations and two Slave 1s disappeared when I was dilly-dallying over my stash on Day One. Have not yet received my orders, though. BTW did anyone get a 6091 King Leo's Castle as a friend's 8 yr old wants (...) (24 years ago, 4-Jan-01, to

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