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TL6 Brikwars Game
Sat, 27 Jul 2002 01:59:46 GMT
1591 times
Hey Everyone,

I’m hosting a Brikwars game on the 11th at my place.  You’re all invited to
join in the battle and or to look at the models on display.  There will be a
13’ Japanese Destroyer on display, plus there is talk of reassembling the
16’ Zakim Bridge to see how well the new support structure works.  Feel to
bring your own models as well.

Now on to the Brickwars details.

This game will be a TL6 Capture the Queen Alien style game played on a
modular space ship.  I have created a map of the ship in advance so you can
plan your strategies.

There will be two teams trying to capture the Queen Alien, the Factions and
the Coalition.  As of our last battle, the Factions were in control of the
ship so they will be starting in the ship’s hangers.  The Coalition, on the
other hand, will be sneaking in the air locks located on the other side of
the ship.

In order to capture the Queen Alien you will need to find her nest.  Private
Jim, may his soul rest in one piece, hid a map on the ship that shows where
her nest is.  To avoid her drones you will need to obtain “stench of alien”
vials.  There are two ways of getting these vials.  The first is a machine
on board that can generate 6 of them per turn.  The second is to find the
instructions so you can make one of them yourself per turn.  Due to the size
of the vials, a soldier must have a free hand to carry one of them.  Note,
if a soldier uses a two handed weapon he can still carry a vial by using his
arm to support the gun.

Located in the heart of the ship is a transporter that is capable of sending
someone to any room on the ship.  Beware there have been reports of it
failing from time to time.  You might get sent to another room or turned
into a hamburger.  (this all depends on if Joe is bringing it to the games).

Each player will be in command of a squad of soldiers.  These squads have a
maximum cp value of 200 and will consist of the following units:
-One Hero
-Two scouts each with only an impact pistol and/or a knife
(see brikwar rules for scout specs)
-One Artillery Sergeant with a siege rifle and the capability of throwing
grenades and nets (remember a siege rifle takes two hands to operate so he
will not be able to fire and throw in the same turn)
-Two Artillery Privates each with a siege pistol, a back pack, several
grenades, and a net(s)
-One other soldier of your design

If you need help designing troops, Dave has written a wonderful applet that
takes the guess work out of it.

There are still three 32x32 modules left to build if someone wants to create
something (see '?' modules on the map above).  The specs for these modules
can be found at the following sites.  Please note that the walls should be a
base plate, a plate, and seven bricks tall, in that order.

module design:

missing modules:

existing modules:

IF you are planning on bringing a module, I would like to encourage you to
place a cover on it.  This will add a little mystery to what is around the
next corner.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.

Jonathan D.

Message has 3 Replies:
  Re: TL6 Brikwars Game
(...) It has been brought to my attention that I might have made this to restrictive. Sorry about that I get anal sometimes. The new squad specs will simply consist of a Hero and 6 soldiers. I want to keep the number of troops down so that we can't (...) (22 years ago, 27-Jul-02, to
  Re: TL6 Brikwars Game
(...) I'm still a "go" to bring Takao over to your place on Saturday the 10th, Jonathan. I'd be looking at reaching you around 5pm, so if you have a set dinner time you don't want me to interrupt let me know! (And it's a cruiser. ;) ) (...) Alas, my (...) (22 years ago, 6-Aug-02, to
  Re: TL6 Brikwars Game
Ah, a TL6 game. . . . man, I wish I could be there. Do you guys have any other games planned in the next couple months? I may be moving back to Boston so I wanna know when the next game is going down. I have lots of mecha waiting to see some action (...) (22 years ago, 9-Aug-02, to

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