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Re: New Moc - Lego Fair (and apparently 5 cents was overpriced)
Tue, 19 Oct 2004 17:11:22 GMT
2590 times
In lugnet.announce.moc, C. L. GunningCook wrote:

The trials and tribulations of my latest adventure with one of my MOCs.

Absolutely stunning. Beautiful, exhaustive details! I love the Spongebob.

Sorry to hear about the troubles with the fair as a traveling carnival, but as my brain is already overloaded by the fact that you built it and everything works, it would probably start to leak out my ears were I to find out you did all that and made it modular as well.

Some creations were just meant to stay in one place. I break my Superman model virtually every time I’m forced to change offices at work.

Keep up the great work!


“Attack life, it’s going to kill you anyway!”

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: New Moc - Lego Fair (and apparently 5 cents was overpriced)
(...) Thanks Steve, I appreciate your kind words, but I must add, the Sponge Bob was one of those ideas lifted from other ppls creations, in this case Tom Mc Donald. Janey Red Brick (20 years ago, 19-Oct-04, to, FTX)

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  New Moc - Lego Fair (and apparently 5 cents was overpriced)
(URL) The trials and tribulations of my latest adventure with one of my MOCs. ..... if you would rather skip the rambling...... the pics can be found (URL) here> This past weekend I had the pleasure of participating in my first train show. At one (...) (20 years ago, 19-Oct-04, to lugnet.announce.moc,,, FTX) !! 

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