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Re: New Moc - Lego Fair (and apparently 5 cents was overpriced)
Tue, 19 Oct 2004 17:08:23 GMT
2602 times
In, Cynthia Bradham wrote:
   In lugnet.announce.moc, C. L. GunningCook wrote:

The trials and tribulations of my latest adventure with one of my MOCs.

..... if you would rather skip the rambling...... the pics can be found here

Hi Janey-

the theme park looks just awesome, I love it! Great use of the pods for the cars in the ride (a tilt a whirl?). You have a great imagination and an enviable eye for detail. I am impressed with motorizing the whole thing too. Don’t give up on the elaborate moving models! The next ones probably won’t self destruct ;)


Hi Cyndi,

Thank you. The pod ride is supposed to be spinning tea cups, I would guess it is somewhat inspired by the Mad Hatters ride at Disney. When I first saw the pods, my first thought was, “theme park” so I just had to run with it. The tilt-a-whirl is actually around the back behind the bumper cars, using those “one piece panel train thingys” (yes, I think that is the technical term for them.)

I am planning a new and improved theme park, this time with a modular design so transporting isn’t so... umm entertaining, but after those disasters I doubt my figs will ever get on any ride I build, and truly, can you blame them?

Janey “Red Brick”

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: New Moc - Lego Fair (and apparently 5 cents was overpriced)
(...) OK, I see the tilt a whirls now, red with the TW sign (I get it). I also see the tea pot on the tea cup ride, it all makes sense.....All very clever! Your figs will just have to trust you next time ;) C. (20 years ago, 19-Oct-04, to, FTX)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: New Moc - Lego Fair (and apparently 5 cents was overpriced)
(...) Hi Janey- the theme park looks just awesome, I love it! Great use of the pods for the cars in the ride (a tilt a whirl?). You have a great imagination and an enviable eye for detail. I am impressed with motorizing the whole thing too. Don't (...) (20 years ago, 19-Oct-04, to, FTX)

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