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Re: New Moc - Lego Fair (and apparently 5 cents was overpriced)
Tue, 19 Oct 2004 23:15:26 GMT
2667 times
In, Scott Lyttle wrote:
   In lugnet.announce.moc, C. L. GunningCook wrote:

   condensed? you mean MICRO? (hehe, sorry..I just had to say that...)

I see you managed to get about four train shows worth of stories in your first show--see, you were overdue! I think that means the next three might be uneventful...

LOL, I hope that is true!

   All kidding aside, looks incredible--I say keep building, don’t go back to sticking with houses....after all, wasn’t it Edison who said genius is 1% inspiration, and 99% perspiration? It’s falls apart...see, yours took 8 hours of vibration.. I wonder how long a MB one of those would have taken...I guess 30 seconds...

Thanks Scott.

   Just think, Janey, you’re not alone...remember what James Trobaugh’s buildings looked like after a 12 hour ride to Brickfest? (For those of you that didn’t see it...well, JT had a few large clear containers that had bricks of the same colors of his buildings...seems they vibrated loose as well).

You’ll just have to build a better one that can withstand more vibration and impact for the next show! (that, and maybe take some really good digital pics so you know how it went together the first time...)

Good advice and you are right, I do plan to rebuild but I think I will do a bit of structural studying before hand, probably hit up a few of my favourite builders for some good suggestions and get it ready for a new show, I have a few more rides finished that I couldn’t fit in, maybe the new design will work those in as well.

Janey “Red Brick”

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  Re: New Moc - Lego Fair (and apparently 5 cents was overpriced)
(...) condensed? you mean MICRO? (hehe, sorry..I just had to say that...). I see you managed to get about four train shows worth of stories in your first show--see, you were overdue! I think that means the next three might be uneventful... All (...) (20 years ago, 19-Oct-04, to, FTX)

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