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Re: New Moc - Lego Fair (and apparently 5 cents was overpriced)
Wed, 20 Oct 2004 16:52:12 GMT
7037 times
In, Terry Prosper wrote:

   Janey, by looking at the pics, it seems obvious you don’t care that much about Minifig security ! No restraining bars in the many attractions, no security fences around some moving objects that could hurt the dumber minifigs who would carelessly wander around...

With Matt’s roller coaster at BrickFest PDX, IIRC, a “successful trip” was counted if the car didn’t come off the tracks. Minifigs being ejected did not count against the “success” metrics.

Of course, since most of the figs tended to fall out at the apex of the vertical loop, and thus fell directly into the path of the oncoming train, usually causing a derailment, some may quibble at that definition.

Besides, the world needs less Timmys...

Note, I hear that Matt’s coaster will be running at NWBrickCon next weekend. I haven’t decided if I want my sigfig to ride it or not. :-)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: New Moc - Lego Fair (and apparently 5 cents was overpriced)
(...) Janey, by looking at the pics, it seems obvious you don't care that much about Minifig security ! No restraining bars in the many attractions, no security fences around some moving objects that could hurt the dumber minifigs who would (...) (20 years ago, 20-Oct-04, to, FTX)

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