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lugnet.announce.moc– Personal announcements of personal creations ("MOC"s). This is where you can tell everyone about your latest and greatest models, creations, minifig characters, etc. NOTE: do not post announcements of personal creations in the main lugnet.announce group.

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  Re: Tabula scalata Lego
(...) That's pretty cool. There has been some work in this area in the past, at least one mosaic at Brickworld did this, several years in a row now. (3 years ago, 26-Jan-21, to lugnet.announce.moc)
  Tabula scalata Lego
I've been experimenting with some techniques to make "tabula scalata" Lego that forms different images when viewed at different angles. Here's a couple of videos: and a brief blog (...) (3 years ago, 23-Jan-21, to lugnet.announce.moc)
  Reptillian Space Fighter
This started as a real-life build with my son that then got embellished in LDD and rendered with bluerender.  (URL) The design is a departure from my typical "Neo-Classic-Space" builds. Its form felt much more "organic" and the (...) (5 years ago, 6-Jul-19, to, lugnet.announce.moc, FTX) ! 
  Lego Ideas "Moments In Space" Contest Entry - Cosmic Sentinel
Voting has stated today in the Lego Ideas "Moments in Space" contest. The winner may have their design turned into a promotional give-away set. My entry is the Cosmic Sentinel - a small neo-classic space scouting/fighter ship (...) (6 years ago, 9-Feb-18, to, lugnet.announce.moc, lugnet.general, FTX)

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