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Re: BirkWars, BrickFest, Some Questions
Mon, 5 Jun 2000 00:43:57 GMT
634 times
In, Eric Joslin writes:
Keeping that in mind, by far the most successful sub-army so far was Eric
Kingsley's in the last battle.  His monster-huge 'Mech took up a good chunk of
his 300 points, but with two pilots (on pilot and one gunner) he was able to
fire at two targets per round with enough guns to ensure the destruction of
pretty much anything he wanted to wipe out.  The big armour of he Mech made it
a tough target to take down, as well.

I personally wouldn't suggest this strategy.  Over-specialisation breeds in
weakness.... the Mech is vulnerable to a few forms of attack.  I'm not going
to go into them, but obviously I've been thinking about them for our next
unlimited tech level game. :D It doesn't matter too much, I don't think,
because Eric has talked about retiring the 'Mech... but just in case. :D

Anyway, my recommendation aside, it's what's worked the best so far.

In our game in Portland there were a couple of super-tough vehicles, the trick
to taking them down was to have a big swarm of highly mobile little units with
no sense whatsoever of self-preservation.  You've got to spread them out
thinly enough that the vehicles can never kill more than one or two in a
single shot.  That way, despite heavy losses on the way, enough of them will
be able to get in range to join together in a massive Combined Assault.

( If you want to read the synopsis of that battle, it's up on Jain's Guide at .)

Another problem with those big vehicles is that they're pretty slow and there
are always some places their weapons can't fire.  You can often get some fast
little guy to jump onto the vehicle's back bumper and start blasting away.
Over the course of a number of turns, even a single trooper with a hatchet can
do enough damage to cut into the back of a vehicle and start messing around
with the innards.

Finally, big vehicles are not always so tough against unconventional attacks,
especially because they aren't very maneuverable.  (Remember the sticky-bombs
in Saving Private Ryan or ATATs vs. tow cables in Empire Strikes Back.)

- Mike Rayhawk.

    Check out the Official BrikWars Home Page at

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: BirkWars, BrickFest, Some Questions
(...) That is both my problem and my solution: In past games, I've been too afraid of losing troops to it, and in the future I intend to swarm it (see below). (...) One of my very first ideas for a BrikWars army consisted of nothing but a pilot with (...) (24 years ago, 5-Jun-00, to lugnet.gaming)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: BirkWars, BrickFest, Some Questions
(...) Well, our games so far have consisted of people showing up and bringing 300 point armies. Because of this, the number of special guys has been low, because it's difficult to reach the ratio for many special troops inside the 300 point limit! (...) (25 years ago, 4-Jun-00, to lugnet.gaming)

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