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Re: BirkWars, BrickFest, Some Questions
Mon, 5 Jun 2000 02:23:08 GMT
2460 times
In, Shiri Dori writes:
Actually they are all about equally effective, except for brooms of course,
which you can use to beat a fig into unconsciousness but it takes a long
time.  Pitchforks can be used as Tridents and do as much damage as swords but
take two hands.  They can be used to disarm opponents.  Pickaxes do a little
more damage than swords but also take two hands.  Both pickaxes and tridents
may get stuck in an opponent and will slow you down on the following turn as
you try to pull them back out.

What I forgot to say is, what is going to make them less effective is the fact
that they are in the hands of peasants rather than soldiers.  Peasants are
kind of inept.

So it's not such a bad idea? <sigh> well, too late now - they're all half-
packed... maybe if i have time this week.

Of course, having fewer different kinds of weapons to keep track of never
hurts.  When you have to keep looking up stats for every different kind the
game can start to bog down.  When you only have a couple you can just remember
them all and everything goes a lot more smoothly.

I'd love to go, but I can't free up enough time from college to drive
out from Los Angeles and back.

LOL! Too bad...

You laugh, but I'd do it if I had a spare week - I used to commute between New
York and Portland three or four times a year, it's a great drive and I have a
lot of friends on the east coast I'd like to drop in on unexpectedly.

- Mike Rayhawk.

    Check out the Official BrikWars Home Page at

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: BirkWars, BrickFest, Some Questions
(...) but (...) How would that play into the game? (...) Yeah, it's also easier to make sure I get it all back. :-) (...) Phew! How long would it take you to drive one way? My family and I barely survived a drive across Germany, I doubt we could (...) (24 years ago, 5-Jun-00, to lugnet.gaming)
  Re: BirkWars, BrickFest, Some Questions
(...) ...but lots of fun as they flail randomly and get mowed down by nearly-as-inept first rank soldiers :-) (...) ...Hmmmm that sounds like a great idea for a slimmed down game!!! Oh wait! I already did that on MiniFig Death! (URL) :-) (...) (...) (24 years ago, 5-Jun-00, to lugnet.gaming)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: BirkWars, BrickFest, Some Questions
(...) So it's not such a bad idea? <sigh> well, too late now - they're all half- packed... maybe if i have time this week. (...) Too bad... I could really use something like that... (...) Yeah, that makes sense. (...) LOL! Too bad... -Shiri (24 years ago, 5-Jun-00, to lugnet.gaming)

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