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road trips (was: Re: BirkWars, BrickFest, Some Questions)
Mon, 5 Jun 2000 03:43:27 GMT
2677 times

In, Frank Filz writes:
In, Shiri Dori writes:
My family and I barely
survived a drive across Germany, I doubt we could manage going across the US.
(But I guess when you're alone, it's easier to not fight over every single
thing... ;-)

We did a lot of driving when I was young. We took two 5-6 week vacations
driving across the US (though the first I was a little too young to remember
much). We also took 5-6 weeks driving around Europe. We (me and my sisters)
didn't fight too much, but then that was (mostly) before the enlightened days
of seatbelts


Oh, yeah, when I was 4 we drove from Kansas to FL, my older sisters and I were
constantly playing in the baggage (the back seats folded into it so we had
lots of space). That was a good trip, definitely.
Somehow, when I was 13 and my younger sis, 7, driving from Germany (Frankfurt)
to France (Nice <sp>) was much less enjoyable. She and I fight waaaaaay too
much when cramped in small spaces. Putting suitcases beween us did NOT help,
believe me - made it worse. <grin - I still remember how she pinched me from
behind the suitcase. :-) >


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: BirkWars, BrickFest, Some Questions
(...) We did a lot of driving when I was young. We took two 5-6 week vacations driving across the US (though the first I was a little too young to remember much). We also took 5-6 weeks driving around Europe. We (me and my sisters) didn't fight too (...) (24 years ago, 5-Jun-00, to lugnet.gaming)

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