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Re: BirkWars, BrickFest, Some Questions
Mon, 5 Jun 2000 10:27:40 GMT
2349 times
In, Mike Rayhawk writes:
"BirkWars"?  It sounds like some kind of hippie fight.

In, Randy Williams writes:
TL5 TSA-Trooper (19 CP)

This guy is tough enough that he would probably get some kind of troop ratio
requirement.  You'd have to ask whoever is moderating the Brickfest game.
Except I don't think anybody is moderating the game!  That's a recipe for
disaster, I had figured that that details like that would have been worked out
by now.

Heh- I planned on having them 'genetically engineered'. But i created them
mostly on the fact that they're going to be a defenite CP budget, like
somewhere around 200-600

Move: 13"
Armor: 12 AV

When armor gets up this high you ought to start converting some of it to dice
so your soldier isn't bizarrely immune to rifle fire.  12 AV would be equal to
2d10+1 or 3d6+1.

immune to rifle fire? thats the point.

Skill: 1d6+4

This similarly should be converted to 2d6.

aw man, theyre useless if they can only miss on a '1' die roll!

4x Moves Fast (4 CP)
3x Thick Hide (3 CP)
2x Unusal Skill (2 CP)
1x Close combat Pen. (-1 CP)

1x Automatic Impact Rifle with Hi-Pro Ammo and Stab Gyro (10 CP)
1x VisoredHelmet (1 CP)

This may seem like a lot for a trooper, but it is VERY Strong!
The weapon does 3d6+2 Damage, doing 3 shots, and having only 6 UR.
Thats an average of 11 damage per shot, doing 33 cum. damage!, enough
to knock out Infactry and cause considerable damage to mpost vechilces.

Like I said, this guy is awfully tough, it would be strange to have an army
composed entirely of such supermen unless you're playing the Kryptonian
- Mike Rayhawk.

Man, you ruin all the fun :). BTW, I was wondering if theyre was a way to add
poision to seige weapons, like having a ChemikalWarhead, that dissapates the
same way that explosions do (like having full poison damage at the target, -
1d6 1" away, etc). But it wouldnt do any physical damage.

2nd Question - Can you have a large 'firebomb' o be drooped from a flyer? Its
basically like the trooper firebomb, but does 3d10 exp danage and 5d6 fire 'do
to plamsa.)

Thanks a lot,
~~Randy Williams, who's trying to exploit evry loophole in the brikwars system.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: BirkWars, BrickFest, Some Questions
Man, does anybody remember back in say, January, when fun/gaming never got more than one or two posts every two weeks? Lately I can't even keep up. (...) Yeah, you can make basically anything you want, as long as everybody's still having fun. If (...) (24 years ago, 6-Jun-00, to lugnet.gaming)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: BirkWars, BrickFest, Some Questions
"BirkWars"? It sounds like some kind of hippie fight. (...) This guy is tough enough that he would probably get some kind of troop ratio requirement. You'd have to ask whoever is moderating the Brickfest game. Except I don't think anybody is (...) (24 years ago, 5-Jun-00, to lugnet.gaming)

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