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Re: BirkWars, BrickFest, Some Questions
Mon, 5 Jun 2000 02:54:21 GMT
1960 times
In, Frank Filz writes:
In, Mike Rayhawk writes:
There are no real limitations on wnat physical piece you use to represent any
item of equipment, as long as all the other players know what all your pieces
mean.  You could use an octopus for a VisoredHelmet if you wanted.

Hmmm... anybody played any Rune Quest? Can you say "Walktapus"? Of course the
octopus is a little out of scale with the rest of the minifig for that but...

Actually I was thinking more of 'Cthulu'...

Just about any POOP makes a good minifig head (with the added bonus that
instead of calling them minifigs you can now call them POOP-Heads).  Sharks,
boulders, clams, motorcycles, chests, and hats all make good heads for armies
of brikwars aliens.  I always wanted to make horse- and dragon-heads but could
never figure out how to attach them.  My favorite by far is the deadly six-
armed Monkeyhead.

- Mike Rayhawk.

    Check out the Official BrikWars Home Page at

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: BirkWars, BrickFest, Some Questions
(...) Hmmm... anybody played any Rune Quest? Can you say "Walktapus"? Of course the octopus is a little out of scale with the rest of the minifig for that but... Frank (24 years ago, 5-Jun-00, to lugnet.gaming)

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