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Re: BirkWars, BrickFest, Some Questions
Mon, 5 Jun 2000 13:23:18 GMT
2114 times
Randy Williams wrote:

This may seem like a lot for a trooper, but it is VERY Strong!
The weapon does 3d6+2 Damage, doing 3 shots, and having only 6 UR.
Thats an average of 11 damage per shot, doing 33 cum. damage!, enough to knock
out Infactry and cause
considerable damage to mpost vechilces. For coodinated attacks, you may want
to have 1 trooper in the squad with a
pistol instead of a rifle and add a cb radio. I usally deploly these in groups
of 5 and they kill serious butt.

~randy Williams~

Occasionally it's fun to try and build the most invincible characters possible,
but my experiences have been that in doing so you lose a deal of the flavor of the
game.  I personally like to be able to pick up each Brikwarrior in my army and be
able to envision his personality and how he likes to perform in battle - the
indiviuality comes from the weapon they choose, the tactics they exhibit, and the
face of the minifig.  Sure, a sawed-off shotgun isn't going to do as much damage,
but it sure does convey bad attitude and more than a super death cannon.  Most of
my army is little units that move quickly but are relatively lightly armed - it's
great to see how much damage they can do and how long they can be kept alive
before they are engulfed in flames.

Believe me, the unarmored trooper with a pistol who stands in front of the racing
jeep and fires off round after round, being ignored as a minimal threat until a
lucky shot happens to hit the engine block, is *way* cooler than Rambo killing
everything with no risk to himself whatsoever.  From Star Wars to Indiana Jones to
Spartacus, the characters we really root for are the ones who rise out of
obscurity.  We celebrate the underdogs, and the vistory of an ultimate warrior is
downplayed - if the underdog wins, it was amazing and spectacular - if the
superwarrior wins, yeah, it figures.

One way I try to avoid this is to make it more realistic (?!?!) - people can't
really be great in everything.  Make a trooper fast, or strong, or skilled ... the
fast ones will probably want to be lightly armed and spend all of their time
moving quickly, but avoiding confrontations with powerful foes.  The strong ones
may carry a huge weapon, but have to protect their flanks since they can't react
as quickly.  The skillful ones may prefer to forego conventional weapons in favor
of whips, devices, or tricky manuevers.  Trying to capitalize an trooper strengths
while protecting them from their weaknesses is rgeat fun - a trooper without any
weaknesses loses all of this!

Plus, everybody likes to gang up on characters that are too powerful.

Granted, if you're paying for these troopers, then that is legitamate.  I'd just
be cautious of losing alot of the fun in the essence and characterization of the
combatants by making everybody a nigh-unto-deity. Just my $0.02.


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  Re: BirkWars, BrickFest, Some Questions
Oops! I accidenly pressed enter again!!! argh whats wrong with my broswer?????. Here is the complete message >_< TL5 TSA-Trooper (19 CP) Move: 13" Armor: 12 AV Skill: 1d6+4 Enchancements: 4x Moves Fast (4 CP) 3x Thick Hide (3 CP) 2x Unusal Skill (2 (...) (24 years ago, 4-Jun-00, to lugnet.gaming)

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