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Re: BirkWars, BrickFest, Some Questions
Mon, 5 Jun 2000 03:24:36 GMT
2591 times
In, Shiri Dori writes:
Phew! How long would it take you to drive one way? My family and I barely
survived a drive across Germany, I doubt we could manage going across the US.
(But I guess when you're alone, it's easier to not fight over every single
thing... ;-)

We did a lot of driving when I was young. We took two 5-6 week vacations
driving across the US (though the first I was a little too young to remember
much). We also took 5-6 weeks driving around Europe. We (me and my sisters)
didn't fight too much, but then that was (mostly) before the enlightened days
of seatbelts (my dad did do something to the front seatbelts in the VW
Sqaureback we took delivery of in Europe for that trip to keep the seatbelt
buzzer from going off) so we were able to move about and play on the floor
(van) or back of the car (VW). I can attest that lying on the floor of a van
behind the drivers seat is a relatively safe place to be in an emergency stop.
The only thing which happened to me when we had an accident on the 2nd cross
country trip is that my younger sister landed on me when she fell off the
seat, I went nowhere (of course had the van rolled, things would have been
worse). We also took numerous shorter trips. On all of these trips, each kid
had their own toys and books (I forget which trip it was for that my parents
made car toy boxes by taking a dishpan and making a nice cover for it with a
hole for a cup - usually to hold a cup of crayons or whatever). We were also
involved in the trip planning (on every major trip, each person got to chose
one sight they absolutely wanted to see).

Driving time across the US is on the order of 50 hours (approximately 3000
miles LA-NYC).


Message has 1 Reply:
  road trips (was: Re: BirkWars, BrickFest, Some Questions)
FUT (...) <snip> Oh, yeah, when I was 4 we drove from Kansas to FL, my older sisters and I were constantly playing in the baggage (the back seats folded into it so we had lots of space). That was a good trip, definitely. Somehow, when I was (...) (24 years ago, 5-Jun-00, to lugnet.gaming,

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: BirkWars, BrickFest, Some Questions
(...) but (...) How would that play into the game? (...) Yeah, it's also easier to make sure I get it all back. :-) (...) Phew! How long would it take you to drive one way? My family and I barely survived a drive across Germany, I doubt we could (...) (24 years ago, 5-Jun-00, to lugnet.gaming)

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