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 Castle / Castle Organizations / Castle World / 52
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Re: Helfire - a microfig scale castle town
Thu, 30 Mar 2000 19:04:04 GMT
3816 times
In lugnet.castle, Jeremy H. Sproat writes:
Yah, my vision of nanofig scale would be somewhere around 1/1000 or even
smaller.  Your town looks something like 1/200 or 1/300, which is in
the microfig range to me.  Actually, it looks like it'd be very close to my
Kriegsmacht scale of 1/384.  You wanna couple of mecha to battle with the
dragon?  :-,

I've used three scales in setting up my CW realm and environs (progressively
larger scales):

  - minifig scale
  - (Shiri's Helfire scale)
  - terrain scale
      one stud=one 32x32 minifig baseplate
      useful for modelling rivers, mountains, etc., and large city layouts
  - realm scale
      one stud=one 32x32 microfig baseplate=1024x1024 microfig studs
      useful for modelling adjacent CW realms (4x4 studs at this scale)
      also useful for modelling continents and seas

I've found the terrain scale very helpful in suggesting additonal minifig
scale models, since the minifigs have some surrounding geographical features
to build against.

Shiri's scale looks a really good way to get the feel for the shapes of
buildings. I assume the scale is one minifig wall (6 high) to one brick

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Helfire - a microfig scale castle town
(...) Er, 1024x1024 minifig studs, sorry. (24 years ago, 30-Mar-00, to
  Re: Helfire - a microfig scale castle town
(...) Yeah, it sounds like a great thing! I might try it soon, the 6766 I got will help a lot... lots of brown and green. My terrain is very hard to show normally, since I'm planning on having many islands and a small part of a mainland. (I sorta (...) (24 years ago, 30-Mar-00, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Helfire - a microfig scale castle town
(...) Wha---! *sputter* I DEMAND a royalty! (King enters.) Oh, hello your majesty! *bowing* ...Not the royalty I meant... ;-) (...) Yah, my vision of nanofig scale would be somewhere around 1/1000 or even smaller. Your town looks something like (...) (24 years ago, 30-Mar-00, to lugnet.castle)

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