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Castle World 1845
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Subscribe as mailing list– National and local castle clubs/organizations for LEGO® enthusiasts: group formation, founding, planning, announcements, etc.; inter-group coordination and planning; general ideas, thoughts, inspirations, insights, experiences, etc.

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  Re: SciBrick at DragonCon?
(...) (snip) (...) Scott, great idea! And to answer your question, there is interest from SciBrick about this con. So count SciBrick in! Joe Meno .space paparazzi! (20 years ago, 19-Nov-03, to
  Re: lizardman
(...) Urrrr... Good idea. (Ishuddathottuvdat...) :P~~~ (URL) to use a Dinosaur "tail tip" piece in place of the light sabre blade. Thanks, Franklin (21 years ago, 23-Oct-03, to
  Re: lizardman
(...) the neck accessory... -- Hop-Frog (21 years ago, 23-Oct-03, to, FTX)
At some point (finances permitting), I'm going to get some of the inexpensive Spiderman sets (for spare parts). I was thinking, though, what to do with any surplus Green Goblin torsos and legs?... Then I remembered I still have some spare Tail-Tips (...) (21 years ago, 20-Oct-03, to

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