Re: GMLTC at the NMRA National Convention
Mon, 26 Jul 1999 22:19:18 GMT
30 times
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Yes, as J1 said, we awed them. We literally are a crowd stopper. And when I say
*we*, I mean it in the larger sense, as in all of us who build cool things out of
Lego. What was so impressive was not anything we did specifically, but that we did
it all out of Lego. The crowd would have been just as impressed with anything I've
seen on other Lego related web sites as well. And I know that *I* could not have
build anything I've done without people such as Todd and Auc, Matthew Brown at MA,
Gene at the Brickyard, Jon at Baylit and a host of others from whom I have procured
specialty bricks to build. Thanks to you all on Lugnet-- *you* guys rock!!
BTW, as J1 mentioned, the organizers for the convention next year in San Jose were
practically begging us to come out for *their* convention, but as they were
reticent to provide any funds to help defray our travel expenses, we declined. We,
did, however, provide them with info to contact Baylug and the PNLTC, so hopefully
the Lego presence at the NMRA will continue. And if you guys trying to organize a
club in CA ever do, ping me and I will give you a contact name.
Finally, another interesting (to me) conversation at the show was with the
president of the NMRA. As J1 said, he was floored with our stuff and personally
invited all of us to join the NMRA commenting, "what you're doing here is just as
valid as any of the other clubs!" That to me was cool. Acceptance into the NMRA.
Maybe they will make a category for us, etc., etc.:-) This could be the start of a
beautiful relationship;-)
One more thing: Look for the GMLTC's layout to be featured in vol. 7 of the I love
Toy Trains video series. *That* will be cool. We are also contemplating creating
a video of the layout, how it was constructed, etc., etc. Maybe sell it and use
the money to fund more sections. The wheels are turning...:-)
Paul Foster wrote:
> John Gerlach wrote:
> >
> > First of all, we ROCKED the NMRA show! We had a location right near the front
> > doors, with great visibility. We had 30 - 40 people around the layout at
> > almost all times through the entire show. I saw some big HO and N gauge
> > layouts that were several times the size of our layout that had 10 people
> > looking at them. And of course we were a HUGE hit with the kids.
> A number of times people were three deep around the layout. The best views
> were from inside the center of the layout though (thanks to John Neal).
> > John 2, Larry, Brian and Steve all brought new custom built rolling stock to
> > show off. J2's "Thomas" was a very useful engine, and was very popular with
> > the kids. Brian's amazingly decorated trains showed everyone how much detail
> > can be added with decals and tape. Steve's Euro-styled passenger train made
> > several circuits Sunday afternoon, after minor modifications due to tunnel
> > clearance. My red&yellow passenger train was the workhorse of the weekend,
> > making hundreds of trips around the track, and three trips to the floor -
> > *crash*!
> No kidding, all the rolling stock was amazing. The stuff sitting in the
> yard was way cool.
> > Larry's car shed was a lovely addition to our layout, and my RCX controlled
> > turntable was pretty impressive in its first show. (It didn't work perfectly,
> > we had a few derailments - but we'll fix those in "release 2.0"...)
> Lots of oohs and aaahhs from people as they watched the turntable.
> > We received some very nice press coverage, with two pictures in the Sunday St.
> > Paul Pioneer Press. (We bought *several* copies!)
> >
> > My personal highlights were when representatives from the next two NMRA shows
> > (2000 in San Jose, California and 2001 in St. Louis) asked us if we were going
> > to be at their shows. And, when the president of the NMRA stopped by our
> > layout on Sunday to tell us what an "awesome" job we were doing, and how much
> > he enjoyed having us at the show. He commented on how one of the NMRA's goals
> > was to get kids involved in model railroading, and what better way to
> > introduce them to the hobby than with LEGO trains!
> >
> > Overall it was a GREAT weekend!
> >
> > John 1
> > (of course, remove ".nospam" to reply...)
> I took two rolls of film and they better turn out. Bill T. shot some video
> and
> Steve Demlow had his digital camera so someone should have pictures. I
> should
> get my film back in the morning and have the raw pictures up this week. If
> others took pictures but have no Besse space, drop me email and I can put
> them up in my directory for all to see.
> --
> Paul Foster
Message is in Reply To:
| | Re: GMLTC at the NMRA National Convention
| (...) A number of times people were three deep around the layout. The best views were from inside the center of the layout though (thanks to John Neal). (...) No kidding, all the rolling stock was amazing. The stuff sitting in the yard was way cool. (...) (25 years ago, 26-Jul-99, to lugnet.trains)
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