In lugnet.trains, Frank Filz writes:
> Karim wrote:
> > Wrong! :) :)
> Well there's nothing like saying "can't be done" to shake out the
> solution...
> Could you generate a JPG or two, or just describe it? (I don't have a
> way to look at .DATs at work).
I just emailed you a GIF instructions sheet, but to your mindspring account...
should I email it to your work account?
> Hmm, I just tried to look at all the parts which are used, and I don't
> see something to turn the tile on it's side, so I assume I'm missing
> something.
Nope :) It's what I like to call an IES* There is no actual piece that holds
the tile at 90 degrees... it's the particular arrangement of the other pieces
that holds the whole thing together :)
* - IES: Insanely Elegant Solution.
Message has 2 Replies:  | | Re: Containers
| (...) Mindspring is just fine (I can access it from work). (...) Ah, now I see. I may use that for a few containers which open. That solution won't work for the Selbulba tile though since the thin walls aren't split in color, and it doesn't manage (...) (25 years ago, 13-Mar-00, to lugnet.trains, lugnet.build)
|  | | Re: Containers
| Karim wrote in message ... (...) account... (...) holds (...) pieces (...) Well, I just (well several hours ago) tried this out. The geometry doesn't quite work out. To fill in those who haven't seen the picture, the key is that staggered, opposing (...) (25 years ago, 14-Mar-00, to lugnet.trains, lugnet.build)
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: Containers
| (...) Well there's nothing like saying "can't be done" to shake out the solution... (...) Ooh, naughty... :-) Could you generate a JPG or two, or just describe it? (I don't have a way to look at .DATs at work). Hmm, I just tried to look at all the (...) (25 years ago, 13-Mar-00, to lugnet.trains, lugnet.build)
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