Re: LOM vs. Space (was Re: On Paranoia: King Leo's Castle)
Sun, 4 Feb 2001 15:38:18 GMT
43 times
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Shiri Dori wrote:
> Others yet, who think LOM is a great theme, would say that I'm just
> babbling. And they'd most likely be correct. ;-)
I would definitely be among those who like LOM. I just finished building
the little promo sets, and a few days ago finished the big base. I must
say that I have enjoyed building these sets. I think they are good
designs (but like almost all TLC set designs have room for improvement)
> (2) Who dislike LOM, I guess; I'm under the assumption that *everyone*
> dislikes Insectoids ;-)
I think that would be a wrong assumption... I must say for myself, I
don't really _dislike_ Insectoids. I think it could have been a lot
better (if those leg pieces had been articulated in some way, or at a
minimum, had the "foot" be lower than the "hip", i.e. looked more like:
/ \
/ \
/ \__
I think the sets were well executed, and they are a good source of
parts, though a bit too expensive.
Something I would really like to remind everyone who has ever complained
about a set: If most LEGO sets did NOT leave one thinking they could
improve on it, LEGO wouldn't be a toy which captivates the interest of
so many kids, and a healthy number of adults. This idea may actually be
one of the strongest reasons NOT to re-release old sets. There are
actually two angles of this reason against re-release of old sets. One
is that many people would find the sets lacking and disappointing. The
other is that if the set really hit the right nerve, it would sit on
peoples shelves as a static unchanging display, totally counter to what
makes LEGO LEGO. On the other hand, I think it would be very worthwhile
for TLC to find ways to get some of those old desirable parts back into
active use, both in new colors and traditional.
(for whom a 6919 was one of the first sets bought after his dark ages).
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