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Re: Website
Thu, 16 Mar 2000 15:17:08 GMT
2613 times
In lugnet.publish, Ben Vaughan writes:
Quite possibly I don't have a clue what I'm doing.
The mime type you listed and that are listed in the FAQ have the extension:
and an application type:
If it doesn't matter, why specify then?

The application matters to the user/browser, but not the server.  The
application type tells the browser what kind of app to launch.  This allows a
greater flexability for the end-user.

See, from the server end, an application type doesn't map directly to an
application; e.g. "application/x-ldraw" doesn't necessarily mean "use
LDRAW.EXE".  You (on the server end) simply map a file extension with an
application type; the user at the browser end does the mapping between the
application type and the application.

For example, someone using a Win32 browser may map MLCAD.EXE to both
application/x-ldraw and application/x-multi-part-ldraw -- but someone on a
linux browser might map /usr/local/bin/ldglite to them instead.  Or these
folks might map different applications to each type; e.g. mapping
application/x-ldraw to LDLITE, and application/x-multi-part-ldraw to a script
which calls SPLITMPD.EXE and then launches LEDIT.EXE.  And so on.

I think some of the confusion might have come from the mime-type
application/x-ldlite.  I'm not entirely sure where that one came from; I have
never used it on either the server or browser end, myself.

Anyway, here's part of my .htaccess (Apache server) file:

  AddType text/plain .man
  AddType text/plain .pl
  AddType text/plain .csv
  AddType application/x-ldraw .dat
  AddType application/x-multi-part-ldraw .mpd

I map text/plain to extensions .man , .pl , and .csv ; application/x-ldraw to
.dat ; and application/x-multi-part-ldraw to .mpd .  When the Web server
fetches a .man file, it tells the browser it's a text/plain.  When the server
fetches a .dat file, it tells the browser it's an application/x-ldraw.  etc.
The browser then decided which app to use for the application type.

- jsproat

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Website
Ding! (Insert light bulb here) Oooooohh! Thanks! I appreciate it, now I'll setup I'm keeping the survey though. 8) Ben -- Ben Vaughan (URL) <> wrote in message (...) (...) (25 years ago, 16-Mar-00, to lugnet.publish,
  Re: Website
(...) That one's for files which use the LDLite extensions to LDraw: 0 COLOUR, 0 SCALE, 0 ROTATE, etc., etc. The real question: what if a file is both MPD and LDL? Then which mime-type should it be? Steve (25 years ago, 16-Mar-00, to lugnet.publish,

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Website
Quite possibly I don't have a clue what I'm doing. The mime type you listed and that are listed in the FAQ have the extension: .dat and an application type: application/x-ldlite application/x-ldraw etc. If it doesn't matter, why specify then? By the (...) (25 years ago, 16-Mar-00, to lugnet.publish,

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