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Re: Website
Wed, 15 Mar 2000 23:46:17 GMT
1819 times
Just when I think I'm getting really good at making models, you come along and
destory my ego :)

I really do like the new layout and of the course the models.  I'll be going it
in depth later tonight.  However, I did notice a problem when I downloaded the
ryu.dat file.  The file was doubled space and just before the word "Inlined"
there was a capital "o" instead of a zero.  This cause LEdit to crash when using
the ryu as a part.

Again, I do like the new layout and models.

Travis Dickinson

Karim wrote:

You asked for it, You got it... Toyota!

er... Pallas Spaceworks!

The moment has arrived :)  Due to popular demand, I have gone ahead and
launched the new Pallas Spaceworks site early.  Existing links to Pallas
Spaceworks will no longer work, and the current location will cease to exist in
the first week of April, but for the next two weeks, please browse and enjoy!

For now:

Starting April 1st_ish:


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Website
(...) Wow, didn't mean to destroy any egos... :) (...) it (...) using (...) Thanks. I thought I had weeded all of those out. It results from a slight glich in the program I was using to inline the files. I'll try to get those fixed. In the mean (...) (25 years ago, 16-Mar-00, to lugnet.publish,

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Website
You asked for it, You got it... Toyota! er... Pallas Spaceworks! The moment has arrived :) Due to popular demand, I have gone ahead and launched the new Pallas Spaceworks site early. Existing links to Pallas Spaceworks will no longer work, and the (...) (25 years ago, 15-Mar-00, to lugnet.publish,  

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