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 Organizations / Canada / rtlToronto / 13347
13346  |  13348
Re: My first fully functioning GBC...
Tue, 15 Feb 2005 21:33:57 GMT
591 times
In, Steve Hassenplug wrote:
On Tue, February 15, 2005 4:00 pm, David Koudys said:

Sure there's a competition in what, a week and a half...

But I got my first fully functioning GBC!!!

Very nice.

Thanks!  I enjoyed it...

Besides the hopper sporadically jamming if it's full of LEGO soccer balls, the
whole thing works well.

This type of jamming is very common, and sometimes very hard to resolve.  I assume
it will work fine, if balls come in one-at-a-time.  So, if it is placed after a
module like this one, that doesn't dump out batches, it should be fine, right?

It's fine with 15 balls at once in the hopper. When it geta above that--to the
brim, then sometimes it jams up

How does it do when there are no balls in the input bin?  And, how fast does it run?
(balls per second?)

I'm not good with math, but the motor has an 8 tooth, and that goes to a 40
tooth--the pump is connected to the 40 tooth, and the motor's on full.

So the motor RPM divided by 5 for balls / minute (if I figured it out correctly)

It's at least 1 a second.  I will time it when I get home tonite.

I also designed my GBC so it can point in any direction at all along the
layout--straight, left, or right turns--got ya covered!

This is one of the really cool things.  It CAN conform to the standard, or it can be
configured to do other stuff...  (turn, play with itself...)

I have many many 8x whatever baseplates.  I plan on at least trying to get most
of my GBC"s on them.  I may make 1 or 2 32 baseplate GBC's, but I like the 8x
baseplate.  The issue is the hopper needs to go 'outside the edges' ;)

And the playing with itself...

<no comment>

nice job...



Dave K

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: My first fully functioning GBC...
(...) I think motors run around 360 rpm or 6 rps / 5 = 1.2 rps = 1.2 bps (20 years ago, 15-Feb-05, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: My first fully functioning GBC...
On Tue, February 15, 2005 4:00 pm, David Koudys said: (...) This type of jamming is very common, and sometimes very hard to resolve. I assume it will work fine, if balls come in one-at-a-time. So, if it is placed after a module like this one, that (...) (20 years ago, 15-Feb-05, to

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