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 Off-Topic / Debate / 11878
11877  |  11879
Re: Pledge (was Re: Flag Burning)
Thu, 19 Jul 2001 18:09:48 GMT
446 times
In, Tom Stangl writes:

Christopher Weeks wrote:

If I am remembering correctly, the ACLU was trying to have it removed from
schools because it mentions God.

I think that some people want it gone for that reason, but I think that's • kind
of dumb and petty.

I wouldn't call a religious based argument dumb and petty

What I really mean is that I think the God phrase is a relatively trivial
point.  I was raised as an athiest.  I refused to say the pledge as a kid in
school because of the God thing.  It caused me all kinds of hassle, and I kept
a straight line and simply refused.  I understand how people would get in a
tizzy about it if they feel like they're being forced to sanction superstition.
But I still think that the issue of brainwashing our children into
nationalistic compliance is much more disturbing.  Far, far more significant
than the seperation of church and state issue.

If God is your only beef, that could just be removed.  But expecting the pledge
to be recited by kids in schools would still be evil.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Pledge (was Re: Flag Burning)
"Christopher Weeks" <> wrote in message (...) removed from (...) think that's (...) trivial (...) a kid in (...) and I kept (...) get in a (...) superstition. (...) significant (...) the pledge (...) (...) (24 years ago, 20-Jul-01, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Pledge (was Re: Flag Burning)
(...) I wouldn't call a religious based argument dumb and petty (even if it is being asked for on nonreligious grounds, i.e. separation of church and state, or "what about the atheists?"), it might get a whole new thread going ;-) Oops, too late. (...) (24 years ago, 19-Jul-01, to

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