Re: Virtues of Veganism?
Sun, 10 Jun 2001 16:10:41 GMT
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In, Christopher Tracey writes:
> I believe there's been a lot of coverup regarding the health effects of
> aspartame that Monsanto isn't releasing.
I don't know the conspiracy side of it at all, but it make head head feel
like an over ripe walnut waiting to explode. I just can't drink diet bevs,
etc. Mostly I drink water and whole juices, so it's not really problem, but
I do occasionally enjoy the rush of a bottle of coke. I've mentioned it to
doctors who seem to hem and haw about whether or not what I'm describing is
clearly possible. I don't know what they think I'm describing, but it
simply happens.
> What's even scarier is that
> there is a natural sweetener that looks to safer and would be able to
> replace aspartame in 'diet' products. But the fda won't give approval
> for use as a sweetener because of what can be percieved as corporate
> interests. See for details.
My wife discovered stevia a few months ago and we've been playing with it.
We have some powder and some liquid and it's pretty amazing stuff. It has a
bit of a different flavor that bears getting used to, but so far, I'm
thinking that it's worth doing. (I'm still working on soy milk...hopefully
stevia will be easier.)
Chris (the other one)
Message has 1 Reply:  | | Re: Virtues of Veganism?
| (...) I mostly drink water and juice (and root beer). I can drink a coke every so often, but pepsi makes me sick.I don't know why. My mother was a diet coke drinker/diet food consumer until just a few years ago when she started to get severe migrine (...) (24 years ago, 10-Jun-01, to
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 | | Re: Virtues of Veganism?
| (...) I've seen the cycle Dan describes many times. (...) I think what Chris means is that a lot of stuff that we put out at the curb to recycle is actually landfilled if there is no market for it. 'Recycled' newspapers are commonly discarded in (...) (24 years ago, 10-Jun-01, to
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