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Re: Streamlining the parts selling process
Fri, 1 Dec 2000 09:11:26 GMT
838 times
In, Ray Sanders writes:
I *really* want some kind of clearance category. Some way to
selectively promote certain items while leaving them listed in their original

You can run a search by sale having greater than x% off raging from 0%
(default which will show all items) to 100%.  For example, Hardcore has a
headless shark for 95% off:

(listing all items more than 90% off)

When you have a sale, there is already a link in your shop to all items on
sale which is pretty much like the "category" you described above?

BTW, in the past 2 weeks cosmicray had more feature requests than everyone
on the site combined! %^)

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Streamlining the parts selling process
(...) Rut-roh. Is that a "good thing"[tm] or a "bad thing"[tm] ? I just try harder. When something seems in need of a little TLC, I speak up. Ray (24 years ago, 1-Dec-00, to
  Re: Streamlining the parts selling process
(...) That's just because I put all of mine in long long ago... <GD&R> ++Lar (24 years ago, 1-Dec-00, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Streamlining the parts selling process
(...) I think with more sellers, there is more competition (on BrickBay or wherever). The quantity volume on BB has shot thru the roof. 60 days ago, there was somewhere around 300-325K of parts on all stores, now the number is around 600K (I'm (...) (24 years ago, 30-Nov-00, to

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