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 Marketplace / Buy/Sell/Trade / 14232
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Re: New LUGNET t-shirts at BrickFest!
Mon, 15 Jul 2002 21:51:34 GMT
958 times
Oooohhhh!!!!  cool!!  cool!!!!

I just want to know where you are going to be setting up, because I want at
least one... or two...or...

-Scott Lyttle

In, Suzanne D. Rich writes:
After a long period of unavailability..

** LUGNET logo t-shirts are back! **
A limited run will be offered for sale at BrickFest. And this time - by popular
demand - the shirts are black! Todd and I will set up with 100 black shirts and
about 50 that are of a color called 'Pebble' which is kinda like tan. All are
Hanes Beefy-Tees, 100-percent cotton and will be available in sizes M-3X, with
majority being XL. Prics haven't been set yet. A few shirts will be put aside
for prize nights. :-)

Message is in Reply To:
  New LUGNET t-shirts at BrickFest!
After a long period of unavailability.. ** LUGNET logo t-shirts are back! ** A limited run will be offered for sale at BrickFest. And this time - by popular demand - the shirts are black! Todd and I will set up with 100 black shirts and about 50 (...) (23 years ago, 15-Jul-02, to ! 

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