Re: New LUGNET t-shirts at BrickFest!
Tue, 16 Jul 2002 10:16:30 GMT
1023 times
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In, Suzanne D. Rich writes:
> After a long period of unavailability..
> ** LUGNET logo t-shirts are back! **
> A limited run will be offered for sale at BrickFest. [snip]
> -Suz
> Suzanne Rich
> LUGNET Admin
Please, please PLEASE think of a way to make these available to all LUGNET
members, not just the few that happen to live in the USoA. CafePress is a
good idea.
Howabout you ask us how many of us will buy one of those black T's and then
(after receiving our money) have them printed and shipped?
I would gladly pay in advance to show of the great LUGNET logo around these
parts. The Netherlands, that is.
Mark "M.C.Esscher was born here, you know" de Kock
Message has 3 Replies:  | | Re: New LUGNET t-shirts at BrickFest!
| "Markassius" <> wrote in message (...) then (...) these (...) Hear Hear there is a big old world out there and it seems a shame to limit it to those who happen to be near I'd happily pay (...) (23 years ago, 16-Jul-02, to
|  | | Re: New LUGNET t-shirts at BrickFest!
| (...) I too won't be at Brickfest, but would like a shirt. I would be willing to pay in advance and get the shirt a month or so later. Also in agreement with Larry, I would be more interested in a collared shirt, not a T. I want something to wear to (...) (23 years ago, 16-Jul-02, to
Message is in Reply To:
 | | New LUGNET t-shirts at BrickFest!
| After a long period of unavailability.. ** LUGNET logo t-shirts are back! ** A limited run will be offered for sale at BrickFest. And this time - by popular demand - the shirts are black! Todd and I will set up with 100 black shirts and about 50 (...) (23 years ago, 15-Jul-02, to !
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