Re: When we gonna BrikWar?
Tue, 8 Aug 2000 20:44:30 GMT
1458 times
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In, Drew Lawrence writes:
> This week or next week, I am quite certain I can make it to both events. (Next
> week, however, would give me some time to build up an army.)
So next week. Tues or Wens. I've been building and can select an army from
my forces. My tendencies are towards large vehicles, so a 250CP limit will be
tight for me. But, I think it is best for the forum.
Perhaps we can do a high CP, low troop count fight sometime. Battle of the
mega-mechs. Bwuhahahahhaha. But, I don't think we should try that route until
we have a little more experience with the system.
> Have we even reserved a table at one of the gaming stores for today/next week
> yet? That needs to be looked into.
I've only had preliminary talks with Guard Tower. But, he indicated that
week nights are pretty open. I've been meaning to stop in and take a look at
the rooms, but I got side-tracked this weekend.
Gino A...
Message has 1 Reply: | | Re: When we gonna BrikWar?
| (...) (Next (...) until (...) Here are my opinions: Guard Tower is less than impressive from what *I* have seen..and smelled... As you probably recall from college days, my other half's Asthma is a key factor in anything we do - and due to (...) (24 years ago, 10-Aug-00, to
Message is in Reply To:
| | Re: When we gonna BrikWar?
| (...) This week or next week, I am quite certain I can make it to both events. (Next week, however, would give me some time to build up an army.) (...) I'm good for both. Since you want to re-schedule, it is your call - tomorrow, or next week? (...) (...) (24 years ago, 8-Aug-00, to
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