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Re: Mc Donald's Lego
Wed, 8 Sep 1999 16:27:43 GMT
1856 times
pamela fryer wrote:

I received the S@H catalog yesterday, which shows the sets offered at McD's.
There will be 8 sets available free with a Happy Meal, each a small
Freestyle-type vehicle to build featuring the face of a McD character
(including Ronald & Hamburgler), and with all 8 sets a "super model" can be
built.  Also, forms available at McD's with no purchase necessary to enter a
sweepstakes with a Grand Prize of a block party hosted by McD's (yum) and a
visit from the "Lego Maniac".
You all probably know this info already, but if anyone wants a pic of the sets
shown in the S@H catalog, feel free to email me.

I am not interested in the sets, but some of the pieces will be
interesting to quite a few people.  Notice that at least one of the sets
has pink plates. That should get a few people's interest, as those are
very hard to come by.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Mc Donald's Lego
I like pink, but I repeat myself. [1] -John [1] I like pink, but I repeat myself. (...) (26 years ago, 8-Sep-99, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Mc Donald's Lego
I received the S@H catalog yesterday, which shows the sets offered at McD's. There will be 8 sets available free with a Happy Meal, each a small Freestyle-type vehicle to build featuring the face of a McD character (including Ronald & Hamburgler), (...) (26 years ago, 8-Sep-99, to,

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