Re: My honest opinion Was Re: Now that I've had a chance to see the new colors
Tue, 16 Dec 2003 15:31:05 GMT
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In lugnet.general, David Koudys wrote:
This might cause a bit of a furor, and I dont like causing furors...
Honestly, I think TLC is going to get their hat handed to them. I dunno if
its that severe, but, from this cheap seat, the writings on the wall.
I walked into the local Zellers the other day and they had this 3x3 display
of the new MegaBlock castle sets with the dragons and the water and the other
things... It looked spectacular. Far better than the little diorama that
LEGO had up last Christmas with whatever star wars set...
Display cases??? ... Display cases??? ... Display cases!!! ... AH THATS IT!!!
Why on this earth didnt those in marketing say such words rather than invest so
much time, energy, and money to change the color?
But for an upstart company, MegaBlock could be showing TLC the door...
MB wont be getting any of my money, but thats just me. They will, however,
get my moms money. In the end, what does a company care where they get
their money from?
Dave K
I have to agree with you there. As much as I hate the clones they are doing a
better job catching the kids eyes than TLC is doing now.
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