Let me first say that this post is from an AFOL that happens to know quite a
bit about the Microsoft relationship. Brad is putting together a post to
talk about the details of the alliance as we speak. However, in the
meantime, I want to calm the storm a little.
First, let me say, LEGO has *not* sold its soul. Despite what some might
think about the company, Microsoft is not the devil, anymore than IBM, P&G,
Pepsi or any other big company is.
Second, let me say, LEGO has partnered with Microsoft on a much more content
centric basis. In fact, much of the partnership involves MSN, not
technology. There has been absolutely nothing agreed to about the RCX being
recoded, all gaming software made only for PCs, or any other Dr. Evil type
hopes of world domination. Today *is not* the day to wear black.
As an AFOL, I have to say that it was embarrassing seeing the front page of
LUGNET actually call out this relationship as a "Pact with the devil".
Regardless of your feelings for or against MS, they *are not* the source of
all evil in the universe.
Further, it was saddened to me that there was discussion about LEGO losing
its morality over this. Absolutely none of the values of TLC have been
compromised, given up, or adulterated in any way because of this alliance. I
am not really sure where that thinking came from.
Please think rationally about this event. Regardless of any personal slant
about the underlying social issues, the fact remains that Microsoft and MSN
have a huge reach. LEGO partnered with them to extend awareness for our own
It is frustrating trying to keep the group informed of TLC happenings when
so many *massive* and unsupported assumptions are made. I have a hard time
keeping up with valid issues involving the AFOL community when *so* *so*
many posts are made based on an assumption made 10 posts ago and has just
snowballed into something so far off base that there is no longer even a
shred or reality in it.
For instance, someone posted:
"They will likely roll the Mindstorms software into the next version of Windows"
On what information was this based? What part of the press release even
talked about the Mindstorms software, or any other software for that matter??
In summary let me just say, everyone at TLC still has their souls intact.
They made no blood oaths. And I certainly am not the same Jacob wrestling
with the devil!
Jake McKee
Note: The views expressed here, do not necessarily represent the views of my
Message has 13 Replies:  | | Re: Not at all a pact with the devil...
| (...) Thanks, Jake. While I'm hardly a Microsoft fan (the only reason we have a Windoze machine in the house is because my wife wants to be able to play her computer games) I think the reaction here was way overboard and based on panic attack rather (...) (24 years ago, 16-Jan-01, to lugnet.lego.direct, lugnet.general)
|  | | Re: Not at all a pact with the devil...
| (...) Actually I haven't noticed it ealier (I jump straight to the news.lugnet.com), I agree with you Jake, calling names doesn't sound very professional. A headline like this tends to push the discussion in a negative direction. It's okay when in (...) (24 years ago, 16-Jan-01, to lugnet.lego.direct, lugnet.general)
|  | | Re: Not at all a pact with the devil...
| (...) Jake, thanks for stepping forward and clarifying some of the concerns that have been raised. This is good to hear, and I think it's a very good sign to hear this coming from an AFOL who "made it inside." (...) Of course Microsoft isn't the (...) (24 years ago, 16-Jan-01, to lugnet.lego.direct, lugnet.general)
|  | | Re: Not at all a pact with the devil...
| On Tue, 16 Jan 2001 15:14:28 GMT, "Jake McKee" <jacob.mckee@america.lego.com> wrote: Greetings, and thanks for trying to calm the storm. Although I think it's more of a tempest in a teapot. Comment #1 - and I say this with a grin on my face and a (...) (24 years ago, 17-Jan-01, to lugnet.lego.direct, lugnet.general)
|  | | Re: Not at all a pact with the devil...
| Jake- Thanks for bringing a little sanity and actual fact to this discussion. I am incredibly sick of all the self-righteous whining about a software company being 'evil'. I think some people need to open a history book or even turn on the nightly (...) (24 years ago, 17-Jan-01, to lugnet.lego.direct, lugnet.general)
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