| | Re: Question about quality of Best Lock...
(...) LEGO minifigs, if anything, are MORE secure on a Best-Lock stud. I hooked four on to the ship via one leg only, turned it sideways, and shook. None came off the ship. In fact, the most likely problem is that you'll go to take the fig off, and (...) (20 years ago, 6-Oct-04, to lugnet.gaming)
 | | Re: Question about quality of Best Lock...
(...) Or that he's being politically correct. Or trying to provide for people who already have the stuff and might possibly start to game if given encouragement. Or saying it's OK for others to use them if they want not necessarily that HE uses (...) (20 years ago, 6-Oct-04, to lugnet.gaming)
 | | Re: Question about quality of Best Lock...
(...) What he's really saying is that his rules are not product specific. You could also play with Playmobil or Imaginext (not that he mentions Imaginext, but I've been looking at it - it could be a cool basis for the Pirate Game, though certainly (...) (20 years ago, 6-Oct-04, to lugnet.gaming)
 | | ESPG rules considerations (was Re: Question about quality of Best Lock...
(...) Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but ya. (...) Yes, the swivel cannon is quite handy in a stern chase. Perhaps this is a flaw in the rules, or perhaps it's a good thing. Except that I think a class 6 against 6 class 1s can blow 2 or three (...) (20 years ago, 6-Oct-04, to lugnet.gaming)
 | | Re: Question about quality of Best Lock...
(...) That all may be true, but I don't think any of that contradicts what I said. The choice to be LEGO-centric is certainly up to the guy running the show, and I certainly indicated that I'd not want to bother with non-LEGO figs, but I just wish (...) (20 years ago, 6-Oct-04, to lugnet.gaming)
 | | Re: ESPG rules considerations (was Re: Question about quality of Best Lock...
(...) The swivel cannon is always able to target. Without a swivel cannon, your ability to target depends somewhat on the GM's estimation of the angle of broadside, but it tends to be a pretty small arc on either side of the ship (though it is (...) (20 years ago, 6-Oct-04, to lugnet.gaming)
 | | Re: ESPG rules considerations (was Re: Question about quality of Best Lock...
(...) They'd also benefit from the fact that they should always be able to aim all cannon at the larger ship, but the larger ship wouldn't always be able to target all of them at the same time. Theoretically the larger ship should benefit from the (...) (20 years ago, 7-Oct-04, to lugnet.gaming)
 | | Re: ESPG rules considerations (was Re: Question about quality of Best Lock...
In lugnet.gaming, Frank Filz wrote: , it's small arms fire that is too effective. (...) You might want to take a look at Flagship Games [Pirates!] They are designed for cast resin ships and 25mm figs, but the cannon count and physical ship size is (...) (20 years ago, 7-Oct-04, to lugnet.gaming)
 | | Re: Question about quality of Best Lock...
(...) He may be trying to say that, but the rules are pretty clearly tailor-fit to the LEGO System. Every LEGO beastie that would be appropriate to use in this sort of game has been statted out, and every statted beastie exists in LEGO form. All of (...) (20 years ago, 7-Oct-04, to lugnet.gaming)
 | | Re: ESPG rules considerations (was Re: Question about quality of Best Lock...
(...) I'll have to have a look at this also. I'm not absolutely wedded to a campaign game with ship upgrades (even in an 8 hour game, they barely come into play). Adding the other aspects of the campaign game (scenario islands and such) would be (...) (20 years ago, 7-Oct-04, to lugnet.gaming)
 | | Re: ESPG rules considerations (was Re: Question about quality of Best Lock...
(...) A lot depends on which way you want to go - role-playing or straight miniatures gaming. With role-playing people can join and leave at their leisure, but it leaves a lot of work and unfocused effort. Essentialy, a bunch of one-on-one (...) (20 years ago, 8-Oct-04, to lugnet.gaming)
 | | Re: ESPG rules considerations (was Re: Question about quality of Best Lock...
(...) The Western theme could be a good game to break the ESPG for a bit. Using my pic from BF2004: (URL) attacking a wagon train or Indians doing a buffalo run, maybe the bad guys doing a bit of rustling: (URL) of these ideas might make a good (...) (20 years ago, 8-Oct-04, to lugnet.gaming)
 | | Re: ESPG rules considerations (was Re: Question about quality of Best Lock...
(...) I'll probably end up with RuneQuest since it is at least published. I do dislike the high level I hit he parries problem (though I point out GURPS actually has this problem also). I have found RuneQuest characters to be fairly different, it's (...) (20 years ago, 8-Oct-04, to lugnet.gaming)
 | | (canceled)
 | | Re: ESPG rules considerations (was Re: Question about quality of Best Lock...
(...) BrikWars would not be my system of choice. Actually, I've mostly decided that the AFOL created systems aren't really worth it. None of them really take advantage of the brick (BrikWars does to a minor extent, but then you can disassemble (...) (20 years ago, 8-Oct-04, to lugnet.gaming)
 | | How can we take advantage of the brick?
(...) I tend to agree. We tried a couple of things to make BrikWars more brick-centric: a system for minifigures to construct things mid-battle, the Mechanix who can recombine blasted-apart vehicle fragments in new ways, etc. - none of them ever (...) (20 years ago, 9-Oct-04, to lugnet.gaming)
 | | Re: ESPG rules considerations (was Re: Question about quality of Best Lock...
(...) Mostly true. It is possible for a fleet of small ships to not be able to bring all guns to bear because they block each other, or they are blocked by islands in a busy sea. Correct about the partial damage issue (this also helps damage (...) (20 years ago, 14-Oct-04, to lugnet.gaming)
 | | Re: Question about quality of Best Lock...
(...) True, but nothing that is critical to the game is dependant on LEGO, other than perhaps the definition of ship classes, and even those aren't critical. Of course lots of LEGO creatures have been released since the rules have been written and (...) (20 years ago, 14-Oct-04, to lugnet.gaming)
 | | Re: Question about quality of Best Lock...
(...) Not as long as you don't mind having to adjust dimensions and ranges according to whatever scale vessels/crewmembers you're using. The official scale wouldn't make much sense if you were playing with 4" action figures, as you might end up in a (...) (20 years ago, 14-Oct-04, to lugnet.gaming)
 | | Re: Question about quality of Best Lock...
(...) I use a number of creatures that aren't statted up by Steve Jackson. Mummies, ghosts, skeletons, all the various dinosaurs, elephants, etc. In fact, mostly I don't use the creatures that Steve Jackson statted up... Frank (20 years ago, 15-Oct-04, to lugnet.gaming)