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Re: ESPG rules considerations (was Re: Question about quality of Best Lock...
Fri, 8 Oct 2004 22:51:15 GMT
8028 times
Bruce Schlickbernd wrote:
I've reached a stage in my gaming life where I'd rather stick with
known systems that work rather than screw with things that need
tuning. This is more of an issue with RPGs where I have decided that
I just need to settle on RuneQuest and Cold Iron (a college friends

I had my own system for many years, but as the core players moved
away with their own lives, it seemed easier just to pick a set of
rules so that new players could buy it and learn it on their own, or
be recruited from people already familiar with the set.  Eventually I
settled on GURPS after flirting with the HERO system.  I hated
Runequest's endless-parry-everyone-is-the-same system.  I loved HERO,
but it was too much work for the GM and the players.

I'll probably end up with RuneQuest since it is at least published. I do
dislike the high level I hit he parries problem (though I point out GURPS
actually has this problem also). I have found RuneQuest characters to be
fairly different, it's all in the cults (I do play Glorantha - perhaps
without Glorantha RQ is not as interesting).

I have decided GURPS and HERO just don't work for me. One thing is that I
find I don't like disads. Another is that to be honest, I like the D&D
"start as a nobody and advance" model (which RQ follows also - and hey, so
does the ESPG campaign game...) There's lots of other issues I have with
both systems.

I've also been considering abandoning Pirates and doing Wild West
where there are a number of good skirmish level games. Wild West
would also be a little easier to transport by air I think.

Pirates is difficult to transport.  With Castles, the most I need is
one castle, or just the troops.  Wild West has the big advantage of
really small numbers of figs, but might require a more elaborate set.

Castle would be pretty easy. You're right in that Wild West could use a
bunch of scenery, but I could still pack a decent sized town in less space
than all the pirate ships plus scenery. And I could leave the several shoe
boxes of minifigs at home...


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: ESPG rules considerations (was Re: Question about quality of Best Lock...
(...) A lot depends on which way you want to go - role-playing or straight miniatures gaming. With role-playing people can join and leave at their leisure, but it leaves a lot of work and unfocused effort. Essentialy, a bunch of one-on-one (...) (20 years ago, 8-Oct-04, to lugnet.gaming)

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