Re: ESPG rules considerations (was Re: Question about quality of Best Lock...
Fri, 8 Oct 2004 22:51:15 GMT
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Bruce Schlickbernd wrote:
> > I've reached a stage in my gaming life where I'd rather stick with
> > known systems that work rather than screw with things that need
> > tuning. This is more of an issue with RPGs where I have decided that
> > I just need to settle on RuneQuest and Cold Iron (a college friends
> > homebrew).
> I had my own system for many years, but as the core players moved
> away with their own lives, it seemed easier just to pick a set of
> rules so that new players could buy it and learn it on their own, or
> be recruited from people already familiar with the set. Eventually I
> settled on GURPS after flirting with the HERO system. I hated
> Runequest's endless-parry-everyone-is-the-same system. I loved HERO,
> but it was too much work for the GM and the players.
I'll probably end up with RuneQuest since it is at least published. I do
dislike the high level I hit he parries problem (though I point out GURPS
actually has this problem also). I have found RuneQuest characters to be
fairly different, it's all in the cults (I do play Glorantha - perhaps
without Glorantha RQ is not as interesting).
I have decided GURPS and HERO just don't work for me. One thing is that I
find I don't like disads. Another is that to be honest, I like the D&D
"start as a nobody and advance" model (which RQ follows also - and hey, so
does the ESPG campaign game...) There's lots of other issues I have with
both systems.
> > I've also been considering abandoning Pirates and doing Wild West
> > where there are a number of good skirmish level games. Wild West
> > would also be a little easier to transport by air I think.
> Pirates is difficult to transport. With Castles, the most I need is
> one castle, or just the troops. Wild West has the big advantage of
> really small numbers of figs, but might require a more elaborate set.
Castle would be pretty easy. You're right in that Wild West could use a
bunch of scenery, but I could still pack a decent sized town in less space
than all the pirate ships plus scenery. And I could leave the several shoe
boxes of minifigs at home...
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