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Re: Question about quality of Best Lock...
Fri, 15 Oct 2004 19:45:35 GMT
8510 times
Purple Dave wrote:
Most of them probably aren't very useful to a game like this, except
maybe rats (chance of catching The Plague when bitten?) and the HP
dog (the new one, NOT Fluffy).  Maybe the monkey (hey, it could steal
equipment from you, and maybe cause crewmembers to desert by throwing
monkey-poo at them).  The HP basilisk and the Dinosaurs Mosasaur and
Plesiosaurus (alt model for the Brachiosaurus) would work well for
the Sea Monsters (which, while technically not statted, have been
left to the GM's imagination).

I use a number of creatures that aren't statted up by Steve Jackson.
Mummies, ghosts, skeletons, all the various dinosaurs, elephants, etc. In
fact, mostly I don't use the creatures that Steve Jackson statted up...


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  Re: Question about quality of Best Lock...
(...) Not as long as you don't mind having to adjust dimensions and ranges according to whatever scale vessels/crewmembers you're using. The official scale wouldn't make much sense if you were playing with 4" action figures, as you might end up in a (...) (20 years ago, 14-Oct-04, to lugnet.gaming)

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