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Re: ESPG rules considerations (was Re: Question about quality of Best Lock...
Thu, 7 Oct 2004 15:45:12 GMT
8400 times
Bruce Schlickbernd wrote:
You might want to take a look at Flagship Games [Pirates!]  They are
designed for cast resin ships and 25mm figs, but the cannon count and
physical ship size is reasonably compatible with Lego ships.  But
it's a straight battle game, not a role-playing game.


I'll have to have a look at this also. I'm not absolutely wedded to a
campaign game with ship upgrades (even in an 8 hour game, they barely come
into play). Adding the other aspects of the campaign game (scenario islands
and such) would be easy to tack onto any rules set.

There's also Peter Pig's [Pieces of Eight] rules, though the scales
they are designed for are not as conducive to straight adaptation to
Lego.  They do have ship battle and land campaigns, though.

I've got Pieces of Eight, I'll need to look over it again.

I've been meaning to go back and develop my own rules again.  I kinda
abandoned it because SJ's used the exact same ship class method I was
intending to use, and I didn't want to reinvent the wheel if I didn't
have to.

This would be quite cool. What is stopping me from really working on
something is a lack of at least one more local Pirate Fan to bounce ideas
off of and players to play test with. Lots of ideas have been tossed around
on ways to improve the game, but without play testing, I'm reluctant to
really do much, thus my interest in finding a well accepted set of
miniatures rules that could be adapted with minimal effort.

I've reached a stage in my gaming life where I'd rather stick with known
systems that work rather than screw with things that need tuning. This is
more of an issue with RPGs where I have decided that I just need to settle
on RuneQuest and Cold Iron (a college friends homebrew).

I've also been considering abandoning Pirates and doing Wild West where
there are a number of good skirmish level games. Wild West would also be a
little easier to transport by air I think.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: ESPG rules considerations (was Re: Question about quality of Best Lock...
(...) A lot depends on which way you want to go - role-playing or straight miniatures gaming. With role-playing people can join and leave at their leisure, but it leaves a lot of work and unfocused effort. Essentialy, a bunch of one-on-one (...) (20 years ago, 8-Oct-04, to lugnet.gaming)

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  Re: ESPG rules considerations (was Re: Question about quality of Best Lock...
In lugnet.gaming, Frank Filz wrote: , it's small arms fire that is too effective. (...) You might want to take a look at Flagship Games [Pirates!] They are designed for cast resin ships and 25mm figs, but the cannon count and physical ship size is (...) (20 years ago, 7-Oct-04, to lugnet.gaming)

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