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Re: The Next Grey Monster.
Wed, 11 Jul 2001 20:43:36 GMT
4661 times
Larry Pieniazek wrote:

In lugnet.pirates, Lindsay Frederick Braun writes:

Love those cranes!... but mostly I love to see full blown obsession take
root (in someone else).

  I'm definitely in the "I don't own enough LEGO" and
  "I need a bigger place" modes today.  I have, officially,
  for the first time opened a MISB set just to get one piece
  in a particular color.  =:F

Welcome to the dark side, my friend. We've missed you.

  Gotta finish this for Fest!

Can hardly wait!

ObCompDork: Why is this in .pirates instead of .boats? (or .build?) Is it
going to be in the pirate game? (I may need to rethink my schedule to try to
play a bit!!!)

No it won't be in the game, but you should find some time in your
schedule to play in any case.

Frank Filz

Work: (business only please)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: The Next Grey Monster.
(...) root (in someone else). (...) Welcome to the dark side, my friend. We've missed you. (...) Can hardly wait! ObCompDork: Why is this in .pirates instead of .boats? (or .build?) Is it going to be in the pirate game? (I may need to rethink my (...) (23 years ago, 11-Jul-01, to lugnet.pirates,

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