Re: The Next Grey Monster.
Wed, 11 Jul 2001 18:07:06 GMT
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In lugnet.pirates, Larry Pieniazek writes:
> > Gotta finish this for Fest!
> Can hardly wait!
Will we have room for it? (And which cranes--the blue-legged
ones hanging around the sides, or the actual ship's cranes?)
> ObCompDork: Why is this in .pirates instead of .boats? (or .build?) Is it
> going to be in the pirate game? (I may need to rethink my schedule to try to
> play a bit!!!)
I've stuck it in .pirates during the building phase because
this is where the folks who give me the best feedback are--when
it's completed and I have a chance to take pictures of it (which
means at Fest, because it's hard to get pictures without opening
windows right now), then it gets the .boats/.build treatment. :)
Oh, that, and the Germans are all pirates at heart, with that
U-boat thing... :) .pirates is an odd nautical hodgepodge, which
is what I love about it.
(But no, we won't see this one in the Pirate Game, save as a
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| (...) root (in someone else). (...) Welcome to the dark side, my friend. We've missed you. (...) Can hardly wait! ObCompDork: Why is this in .pirates instead of .boats? (or .build?) Is it going to be in the pirate game? (I may need to rethink my (...) (23 years ago, 11-Jul-01, to lugnet.pirates,
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