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The Next Grey Monster.
Fri, 29 Jun 2001 00:22:55 GMT
1343 times
   Hi, everyone.

   The next behemoth has begun to take shape here in my wee little
   apartment.  I was vacillating between a Japanese WWII cruiser
   and a WWI German battleship or battlecruiser, and I think I've
   come down firmly in favor of the latter.  The curvature issues
   are very different, with the cruiser having a much more complex
   bow and the battlecruiser having a full-hull curve.  Both would
   be bears to model, but I figured that I could handle the latter
   more quickly.

   I may have been wrong!  This SNOT-sculpting is a real bear.

   There are two "teaser" pics of the ship's forward 30%, which is
   complete to one deck above the AD (about 12 bricks high total).

   In the latter picture, the problem with the curvature becomes
   apparent; I'm going to have to rework it so the sharp change
   in angle isn't so darn sharp.  I may also flare the bow some
   more, and raise the foredeck a bit.  Oh, and it needs "A"
   barbette sunken into it, but unfortunately this needs to go right
   about where I have my cool little mess-hall right now.  Darn!

   I'd love suggestions, ideas, thoughts--it's coming together
   nicely but my head hurts from thinking about the geometry.



Message has 3 Replies:
  Re: The Next Grey Monster.
(...) clipped (...) From what I've seen, the curvature is looking good, you should be able to get a more realistic curve working at a greater scale. Is this going to be a Bismark type ship? Anyone have a Swordfish? George (24 years ago, 29-Jun-01, to lugnet.pirates)
  Re: The Next Grey Monster.
On Fri, 29 Jun 2001, Mr L F Braun (<>) wrote at 00:22:55 (...) Oh my good gravy! Lindsay, that looks fantastic! OK, I see your point about the sharp transition, but nonetheless, it's a mighty fine lookin ship. (24 years ago, 1-Jul-01, to lugnet.pirates)
  Re: The Next Grey Monster.
(...) ships. My reaction was very simple: "YYEEEEEEEESSSSS" Pleased to hear you didn't go with the Japanese cruiser - it was Jap cruisers that accounted for many of the escort carriers sunk in WWII, and I'm a bit fond of escort carriers. ( (URL) ) (...) (24 years ago, 8-Jul-01, to lugnet.pirates)

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