Re: The Next Grey Monster.
Wed, 11 Jul 2001 17:44:37 GMT
7750 times
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In lugnet.pirates, Lindsay Frederick Braun writes:
Love those cranes!... but mostly I love to see full blown obsession take
root (in someone else).
> I'm definitely in the "I don't own enough LEGO" and
> "I need a bigger place" modes today. I have, officially,
> for the first time opened a MISB set just to get one piece
> in a particular color. =:F
Welcome to the dark side, my friend. We've missed you.
> Gotta finish this for Fest!
Can hardly wait!
ObCompDork: Why is this in .pirates instead of .boats? (or .build?) Is it
going to be in the pirate game? (I may need to rethink my schedule to try to
play a bit!!!)
Message has 2 Replies:  | | Re: The Next Grey Monster.
| (...) Will we have room for it? (And which cranes--the blue-legged ones hanging around the sides, or the actual ship's cranes?) (...) I've stuck it in .pirates during the building phase because this is where the folks who give me the best feedback (...) (24 years ago, 11-Jul-01, to lugnet.pirates,
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: The Next Grey Monster.
| Another fine evening of work. Look at it go! It's now officially too big to move into another room in one piece, now that it has a stern (but no fantail yet--darn this fitting-out process!): (URL) I'm definitely in the "I don't own enough LEGO" and (...) (24 years ago, 11-Jul-01, to lugnet.pirates)
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