Friedrich der Grosse (was: Re: The Next Grey Monster.)
Wed, 18 Jul 2001 07:55:46 GMT
4629 times
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Hi all,
Well, _Friedrich der Grosse_ and I are back from Fest,
after several harrowing moments and a few jostles on the
way home owing to a flat tire (sorry again about the bad
juju, Chris!) that necessitated its removal from the trunk
on the shoulder of I-295 in order to get at the spare, and
my own rather bizarre half-asleep and flu-ridden driving later.
She's still in five sections, but everything's there and
all I need is a few free hours to take some strategic snaps
and put together a page using those and the EXCELLENT pics
that Chris Weeks and Troy Cefaratti took at BrickFest (and
have graciously allowed me to use once I get a page laid
out). Their photos are far better resolution than my camera
can take, and are no doubt the best possible given the close
quarters here in my apartment. My ships don't get out much.
But in any case, the pictures are up already in the BrickFest
2001 Archives:
So if you want to see the finished ship now, look at the
pictures there first! FdG came out very well--I walked away
with the vote for best large sculpture MOC (if only because
people didn't realize that Eric Harshbarger's San Fran mosaic
was "voteable") as well as nice ego strokes from lots of people.
(Thanks, everyone! :) ) My head is now four times its pre-Fest
size, which may or may not be a good thing. (*whonk* ow!)
The Pirate Game, of course, was a blast--but Frank will surely
produce a far better and more detailed writeup soon. I hope
we can get more of the .pirateheads from around the world to
come out next time round--at least, more from the immediate
area. Arrr! And, of course, I hope we'll be less on the
periphery next time--even though we did just fine where we were,
it's always nice to be in the thick of things.
Message has 1 Reply:
Message is in Reply To:
| | Re: The Next Grey Monster.
| (...) Will we have room for it? (And which cranes--the blue-legged ones hanging around the sides, or the actual ship's cranes?) (...) I've stuck it in .pirates during the building phase because this is where the folks who give me the best feedback (...) (23 years ago, 11-Jul-01, to lugnet.pirates,
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