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Re: A Change
lugnet.admin.suggestions, lugnet.admin.nntp, lugnet.people, lugnet.general, lugnet.admin.curators
Fri, 9 May 2003 03:53:54 GMT
6878 times
In lugnet.admin.suggestions, Orion Pobursky writes:
My slight problem with the web interface is that I cannot use any of my
signature/taglines without copy and pasting from an external source.  I poat
a suggestion to this fact about a week ago but have been ignored.

Nope, it didn't get ignored!  I saw your poat, and I've been pondering it.

I think this would be a good feature for registered members.

I agree...good suggestion.  We've been promising to someday have a drop-down
list box for on-the-fly selection of alternate e-mail addresses for a couple
years now, and as soon as we get that figured out, that -might- be the perfect
way to do a sig based on e-mail address selection.

Not saying I'm adding automatic signature inclusion it to my to-do list
right, now I definitely agree it would be a useful thing that would make life
easier for a lot of people.


Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: A Change
(...) It looks like “a Change” for the better will take place. So, either I've got good timing in my post… Or (more likely) I subconsciously recalled Todd's past statement saying that there will be some improved measures enacted in the future. (...) (22 years ago, 9-May-03, to lugnet.admin.suggestions, lugnet.admin.nntp, lugnet.people, lugnet.general, lugnet.admin.curators)
  Re: A Change
(...) Please note that it is impossible for us to know whether you have seen a post and are pondering it, or whether you missed it. A short acknowledgement of receipt for suggestions made would be a big help in this situation... --Bill. (22 years ago, 12-May-03, to lugnet.admin.suggestions, lugnet.admin.nntp, lugnet.people, lugnet.general, lugnet.admin.curators)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: A Change
(...) My slight problem with the web interface is that I cannot use any of my signature/taglines without copy and pasting from an external source. I poat a suggestion to this fact about a week ago but have been ignored. I think this would be a good (...) (22 years ago, 8-May-03, to lugnet.admin.suggestions, lugnet.admin.nntp, lugnet.people, lugnet.general, lugnet.admin.curators)

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