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Re: New LUGNET t-shirts at BrickFest!
Newsgroups:, lugnet.admin.suggestions
Tue, 16 Jul 2002 23:58:37 GMT
30 times
In, Larry Pieniazek writes:
In lugnet.admin.suggestions, Scott Lyttle writes:

Have you tried Land's End corporate sales?  They can do embroidered Logos,
they do collared and other types of shirts, and multiple color shirts are
available.  There is a one time setup charge for the logo design.  I
definitely think a few members wouldn't mind pitching you a few dollars
(literally a few dollars) to contribute to the setup charge so you wouldn't
have to foot the cost yourself.   From there, Land's End handles everything
else.  I know that a collared shirt with a small Lugnet logo on the front
breast area would look really cool...I'd be prone to buy a few..

Granted, I don't think there's much of a profit doing it that way, and I
don't know how well things would work with that, but just throwing ideas out
to see where they could get the Lugnet word out with little effort
on your end.

The upside of that idea is that LE makes high quality stuff!

Yep, count me in among the non decorated t-shirt wearers [1].  LE sounds like a
good idea.  And my preference is for interlock over mesh knit BTW.  Then again,
I'm a small or medium, so you'd probably want to go with the preferences of
the bulk [2] of your market.

[1] okay, so I put on my old Bertha's Kitty Boutique(tm) t-shirt the minute I
got home-- but hey, it's for persons who care about cats!

[2] nope, not intended!

AND I have 300 usd in unused gift certificates with LE but I digress. :-)

Me too. Digress, that is. :-)

Maggie C.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: New LUGNET t-shirts at BrickFest!
(...) ~That was funny! =) -R (22 years ago, 17-Jul-02, to, lugnet.admin.suggestions)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: New LUGNET t-shirts at BrickFest!
(...) The upside of that idea is that LE makes high quality stuff! AND I have 300 usd in unused gift certificates with LE but I digress. :-) (22 years ago, 16-Jul-02, to, lugnet.admin.suggestions)

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