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 Technic / 15610
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Re: Power Functions Element Pics (inc Plugs)
lugnet.technic, lugnet.robotics
Wed, 28 Feb 2007 23:16:09 GMT
8211 times
In lugnet.technic, Mark Bellis wrote:

OK, here's a few while you wait :-)

Basic system as used in the creator dinosaur set 4958 (inc handset & battery

RC IR receiver:

Large motor (inc plug top):

Medium motor (inc stud recesses on bottom and plug bottom):


Man, I'm excited.  A few design flaws I can't understand though:
Why the cable nub coming out of the cable's brick?  There has to have been a way
to avoid that.
On the large motor, why all that wasted space on the drkGry part that could have
pin holes?  Also, I wouldn't say no to a wege-belt wheel pin-hole layout, for
the half-stud offset.  Other than that, it looks good :D
On the small motor, it seems you would always need the pins on the front for a
strong connection, but oh well.

Looks good!

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Power Functions Element Pics (inc Plugs)
(...) OK, here's a few while you wait :-) Basic system as used in the creator dinosaur set 4958 (inc handset & battery box): (URL) IR receiver: (URL) motor (inc plug top): (URL) motor (inc stud recesses on bottom and plug bottom): (URL) (17 years ago, 27-Feb-07, to lugnet.technic, lugnet.robotics)

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