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Re: More IR Bulldozer pics
lugnet.technic, lugnet.robotics
Thu, 22 Feb 2007 20:23:31 GMT
7382 times
"Brian Davis" <> wrote in message
Here's a "rover robot" built,apparently, out of the new IR Bulldozer.
August is
much too far away. I like the look of those motors, not just for this but
GBC modules and other "simple" automation, and (if the IR system is
with the RCX and perhaps the NXT IR bridges. Take a look:

(no, not mine... I wish... Oh mister Be-llis...)

Brian Davis

Based on the gap in the motor housing (between the light bley and dark bley)
, it looks like Mark already has taken his motor apart (or dropped it).  Oh
Mark!?!  And are the new battery connectors compatible with the old ones?


Message is in Reply To:
  More IR Bulldozer pics
Here's a "rover robot" built,apparently, out of the new IR Bulldozer. August is much too far away. I like the look of those motors, not just for this but for GBC modules and other "simple" automation, and (if the IR system is compatiable) with the (...) (17 years ago, 22-Feb-07, to lugnet.technic, lugnet.robotics)  

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