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Re: Walker using new leg design
Newsgroups:, lugnet.technic
Mon, 22 Oct 2007 21:17:43 GMT
30535 times

Thats a nice walker.  Great job, now I want to place a brickshelf order
so i can get more 7L axles.    :)

May I ask why you went with a longer axle at the "front" of the leg? As
opposed to making it a "square" design.

I fiddled with lengths in Euklides till I got a reasonnably flat and horizontal
path for the foot, while keeping axle lengths even, and came up with this one.
After building I had again a closer look at this other simulation:, the bottom of the curve is much
flatter. This comes to a price: the descending part of the curve is almost
tangent to the ground, making it more prone to stumble. Probably the way to go
for low power design, such as the solar version discussed with Brian.

Also, great idea on the IR motors for the walker. I wanted to try that
as well, when Janey first suggested it to me, but alas, I am short on
the new power function motors.   :)

Yes, this system is really great... That said, if you go on the solar version
the old 71427 is much better regarding efficiency!


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Walker using new leg design
(...) Thats a nice walker. Great job, now I want to place a brickshelf order so i can get more 7L axles. :) May I ask why you went with a longer axle at the "front" of the leg? As opposed to making it a "square" design. Also, great idea on the IR (...) (17 years ago, 23-Oct-07, to, lugnet.technic)

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