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Re: Walker useing new leg design
Mon, 22 Oct 2007 02:56:59 GMT
16538 times
Brian Davis wrote:
> In lugnet.technic, Chris Magno wrote:
>> I found the best way to learn about this very neat leg
>> concept is to build one...
> ..and the best way to introduce someone to Theo Jansen's amazing
mechanisms is
> to have someone build one out of common materials you have on hand
(OK, I'm a
> little short of 7L axles as well, but that can be worked around).
Really, this
> is beautiful, and hypnotic to watch. I would almost certainly have
tried to do
> it with studless beams, which would have worked... but wouldn't have the
> wonderful look of your version. Kudos!

Thanks for your kind words.

Mainly because of Brian's "whining"  ;)   about not having  enough 7L
axles, I've thrown together "quasi-instructions" on how to make one leg
using mainly 4's 6's and 8 long axles.

I'm not a CAD'er so Brian (or anyone) can use this montage of photos to
make this version of one leg:

(after moderation)

(This is a deep link to the fist photo of 15 pics
please add one to the number to get the other photos until moderation)

>> I want to thank Janey for being the Flame under my butt.
> Interesting mental image :-) . But still, we always knew she was a
robot type at
> heart. Now that we're combining art with mechanism, I think I'd try
for the
> "rhino" version next. Actually, I think I now know what to do with
some solar
> cells that have been kicking around here...

Solar cell's NOW thats a neat idea, and a great way to recreate the
"life" that Theo Jansen envisioned for his beasts.


*  All photos taken with a Sony Ericson k510A cell phone.
** All videos done with a (refurbished) Labtec 640x480 web cam, and
edited with XP moviemaker

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Walker useing new leg design
(...) Ha! That wasn't whining, that was just idle wishing! You wait 'till I've got up a good head of steam, and *then* I'll show you some whining! ;-) (...) See, now *there's* a practical way to to shut me up - just send my the parts :-). I'm (...) (17 years ago, 22-Oct-07, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Walker useing new leg design
(...) ..and the best way to introduce someone to Theo Jansen's amazing mechanisms is to have someone build one out of common materials you have on hand (OK, I'm a little short of 7L axles as well, but that can be worked around). Really, this is (...) (17 years ago, 21-Oct-07, to

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