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Re: Walker useing new leg design
Mon, 22 Oct 2007 15:49:33 GMT
18575 times
In, Chris Magno wrote:

Mainly because of Brian's "whining" ;)

Ha! That wasn't whining, that was just idle wishing! You wait 'till I've got up
a good head of steam, and *then* I'll show you some whining! ;-)

...about not having enough 7L axles...

See, now *there's* a practical way to to shut me up - just send my the parts
:-). I'm actually heading down to the Orlando PAB soon, but I'm not sure they
stock 7L axels... when will we get a Technic PAB I wonder :-).

I've thrown together "quasi-instructions" on how to
make one leg using mainly 4's 6's and 8 long axles.

Thank you! That's actually nice photodocumentation, and I'll try to put one
together based on that. I wonder if for larger structures you might need to go
to beams for some of the connections that are under tension during parts of the

Solar cell's NOW thats a neat idea, and a great way
to recreate the "life" that Theo Jansen envisioned
for his beasts.

I've been playing with the solar cells and the two capacitors I've got - the
combination runs an unloaded motors for a good long time in and out of the sun.
The question is how low-energy the system can be made. Theo Jansen's creations,
and yours, seem to do a wonderful job of moving horizontally without moving the
center of mass up or down, which is very promising. What happens if you speed up
the driving axles (say, a worm-to-8t instead of a worm-to-24t)?

Brian Davis

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Walker useing new leg design
(...) LOL, I will leave it to Chris answer more technically, but I can tell you, I watched him motor that beast up with a few different motors, and gearing selections, and I was blown away. With a good torquey (yeah, its a word) motor and no (...) (17 years ago, 22-Oct-07, to
  Re: Walker useing new leg design
(...) > Ha! That wasn't whining, that was just idle wishing! You wait 'till I've got up > a good head of steam, and *then* I'll show you some whining! ;-) > oh yay - next year will be no Cicada's but a room full of Brian whining. I'd like to sign up (...) (17 years ago, 23-Oct-07, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Walker useing new leg design
Brian Davis wrote: > In lugnet.technic, Chris Magno wrote: > >> I found the best way to learn about this very neat leg >> concept is to build one... > > ..and the best way to introduce someone to Theo Jansen's amazing mechanisms is > to have someone (...) (17 years ago, 22-Oct-07, to

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