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Re: Walker useing new leg design
Mon, 22 Oct 2007 17:51:16 GMT
16637 times
In, Brian Davis wrote:
In, Chris Magno wrote:

The question is how low-energy the system can be made. Theo Jansen's creations,
and yours, seem to do a wonderful job of moving horizontally without moving the
center of mass up or down, which is very promising. What happens if you speed up
the driving axles (say, a worm-to-8t instead of a worm-to-24t)?

LOL, I will leave it to Chris answer more technically, but I can tell you, I
watched him motor that beast up with a few different motors, and gearing
selections, and I was blown away.  With a good torquey (yeah, its a word) motor
and no gearing, that "beast" flew across the room, its feet tapping along the
flooring, VERY CREEPY, but strangely still smooth and reliable.  The noise it
made hitting the ground in rapid fire was a bit chilling. Sort of like a mad
scientist gone Lego. Giggle.

Janey "Red Brick"

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  Re: Walker useing new leg design
(...) Ha! That wasn't whining, that was just idle wishing! You wait 'till I've got up a good head of steam, and *then* I'll show you some whining! ;-) (...) See, now *there's* a practical way to to shut me up - just send my the parts :-). I'm (...) (17 years ago, 22-Oct-07, to

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